25 English Esports Phrases With Meaning
Esports is a huge industry, and it’s only getting bigger. As the global community grows, so does the language used to describe it. In this blog post, we will define 20 english esports phrases and what they mean. This is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about esports english phrases , or for people who are just starting out in the industry!If you want to learn advanced level English, Check out English tutors from AmazingTalker.
List of The English Esports Phrases with Meaning
Whether you’re a seasoned vet or a newbie to the world of esports, it’s important to know the lingo. Here are 25 English esports phrases and what they mean.
“GG” – “Good game.” This is a phrase used to congratulate your opponents on a match well played, regardless of the outcome. It’s a sign of good sportsmanship and a way to show respect to your fellow players.

“AFK” – “Away from keyboard.” This is used to describe someone who is not present at their computer or not paying attention to the game. It’s often used as an excuse for losing, as in “I was AFK when they killed me.”
“Nerf” – “To make something weaker.” This is usually used in relation to game balance changes. For example, if a character is too strong and needs to be nerfed, that means the developers will make them weaker in some way.
“OP” – “Overpowered.” This term is used to describe something that is too strong or too effective. It can be used to describe characters, weapons, strategies, etc.
“Meta” – “The most popular or effective way to play the game.” The meta is always changing as new information and tactics are discovered. What was once the meta may no longer be effective, so it’s important to always be aware of the latest trends.
“Salt” – “Anger or frustration.” This is a term used to describe negative emotions. If someone is feeling salt, they are likely to be angry or upset about something.
“Tilt” – “To lose one’s composure.” This term is often used in poker to describe someone who is losing focus and making mistakes as a result. In esports, it can be used to describe anyone who is performing poorly due to emotions.
“Boosting” – “To artificially inflate someone’s rank or stats.” This is usually done by paying someone else to play on your account or by using hacks/exploits. Boosting is considered cheating and is often punishable by ban.
“Feeding” – “To die repeatedly.” This term is used to describe someone who is making a lot of mistakes and dying as a result. It’s often seen as a negative thing, as it gives the enemy team an advantage.

“Juke” – “To fake out an opponent.” This term is used in many different sports, but it’s especially relevant in esports. Juking is a way to trick your opponents into thinking you’re going one way when you’re actually going another.
“Flame” – “To insult or harass someone.” This is a negative term that describes someone who is being excessively rude or abusive. It’s important to remember that flaming is against the rules in most esports games and can result in a ban.
“Smurf” – “An experienced player who creates a new account to play against weaker opponents.” This term comes from the Warcraft III days, when players would create new accounts with lower-level characters (called “smurfs”) to play against weaker opponents.
“Leaver” – “Someone who leaves a match early.” This term is used to describe someone who disconnects from a match or game before it’s over. Leavers are often seen as selfish and immature, as they effectively ruin the game for everyone else.
“Toxic” – “A negative or harmful environment.” This term is used to describe an unhealthy community or chat that is full of flame and negativity. It’s important to avoid toxic environments if you want to maintain a positive attitude.
“Rage quit” – “To leave a game in frustration.” This term describes someone who disconnects from a game because they are angry or upset. Rage quitting is considered to be very immature and is often looked down upon by the community.
“Sandbagging” – “To purposely play below one’s skill level.” This term is used in many different sports, but it’s especially relevant in esports. Sandbagging is often done in order to make a match more even or to get an easy win. However, it can also be done simply to troll or frustrate opponents.
“Scrub” – “An inexperienced player.” This term is used to describe someone who is new to the game or doesn’t have a lot of skill. Scrubs are often looked down upon by the community, but everyone has to start somewhere.

“Throw” – “To intentionally lose a game.” This term is used to describe someone who deliberately tries to lose a game. Throwing is considered to be very poor sportsmanship and is often punishable by ban.
“Noob”/”newb” – “A derogatory term for a new or inexperienced player.” This is a negative term that is used to describe someone who is new to the game or doesn’t have a lot of skill. It’s important to remember that everyone was a noob at one point, so there’s no need to be insulting.
“Pro”/”pro player” – “A highly skilled player.” This term is used to describe someone who is very good at the game. Pro players are often respected by the community and have a lot of fans.
“PvP”/”Player versus Player” – “A type of game or match where players compete against each other.” This term is used to describe a game or match where players are pitted against each other. PvP is often seen as more hardcore and competitive than PvE (Player versus Environment).
“PvE”/”Player versus Environment” – “A type of game or match where players cooperate to defeat computer-controlled opponents.” This term is used to describe a game or match where players work together to defeat computer-controlled opponents. PvE is often seen as more casual and relaxed than PvP (Player versus Player).
“FPS”/”First Person Shooter” – “A type of game that is played from the first person perspective.” This term is used to describe a game that is played from the first person perspective. FPS games are often very fast-paced and action-packed.
“MOBA”/”Multiplayer Online Battle Arena” – “A type of game that pits players against each other in a strategic battle.” This term is used to describe a game that pits players against each other in a strategic battle. MOBA games are often very complex and require a lot of strategic thinking.
“RTS”/”Real-Time Strategy” – “A type of game that requires players to make decisions in real time.” This term is used to describe a game that requires players to make decisions in real time. RTS games are often very fast-paced and require quick thinking.
These are just some of the many english esports phrases that you might come across. While it’s not necessary to know all of them, it can be helpful to familiarise yourself with some of the most common ones. With that said, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if you’re ever unsure about what someone is saying.