Top 5 Sports Video Games Of All-Time
Video games as a form of entertainment have always captured the imagination of the players because they allow us to experience that which is not possible in the real world. Some of the most popular titles include elements that are in some way fantastical, supernatural, and science-fiction related. Doing things that we do in the games would either be impossible or illegal in the real world, which is one reason why they are so big. THe virtual world is also limitless, bound only by that which the human mind is capable of imagining and designing. Over the few decades of gaming becoming more and more mainstream, we have been experiencing title after title that makes use of the latest in hardware and software, ever introducing new features.
Realism Still Matters
However, not all of the popular games deal with that which is otherwise unavailable to us. Some titles are based in reality in their entirety and are actually simulations of things we can do in real life. Simulations, as the name suggests, simulate the real-life experience in a virtual, digital environment. The genre that is by far the most dominant here is sports. Sports video games, just like other titles, have been around for decades. Despite many other genres offering the players a chance to do magical stuff, fight aliens, or ride dragons, simply being able to play the sport you love in a new way is equally as interesting. Exactly which the top ones are is a debate however, and in this article we talk about some of them. Read on to learn more and check out this website for additional info.
Honorable Mention: Pong, 1972
We cannot talk about sports in video games without the classic, iconic game from half a century ago. It is also one of the first video games to be made, not just sports-wise. The famous premise of hitting the white dot to the other side of the screen is reminiscent enough of both table tennis and tennis to be considered a sporting title. It paved the way for so many other things that came after it and its importance cannot be disputed. It will always have a place in the hearts of people, both hardcore gamers and those who only play occasionally. It is safe to say that everyone has tried this game in one way or another, whether way back in the seventies or in the modern day.
1. NHL 2002
Developed for Playstation 2, Xbox, and PC, the 2001 version of the famous NHL franchise of games by Electronic Arts is certainly one of the best. When it came out, it managed to capture all of the fun and excitement of the sport. Back in the day, the hockey simulation was much more popular than it is today. With commentary provided by Don taylor and Jim Hughson, and numerous player celebrations and modifiers to collect, the title remains in fond memories of players to this day. The action was great as it finally brought some much needed realism. The movement and speed are realistic, but the shots do feel a bit too strong. And who can forget the fighting when the players finally go at it?
2. Madden 2005

Continuing the trend of great EA sporting titles from long ago, here is arguably the best NFL game that has seen the light of day. Madden took a long time to get good at all the necessary parts of the sport. Running, catching, throwing, and steamrolling were never that good when compared to other team sports, mainly FIFA and NHL franchises by the same company. In 2004 however, that changed. Although many say that NFL 2003 was actually the best, what made Madden 2005 so good were the controls and a much more easier and natural feeling of the game. Breaking the lines was more thrilling, plays were easier to both understand and perform, and everything looked great. This remains the most revolutionary NFL simulation to this day.
3. Wii Sports
The phenomenon that was the Nintendo Wii console took the world by storm, and it does not seem that anything will come close to the hype that surrounded it. When we say that everyone played this title, we literally mean everyone. It did not matter if you were a toddler or an elderly person. Playing the many different sporting games in Wii Sports felt welcoming, easy, and fun for everyone. Moving the controller freely and having your character move in the game was revolutionary, and many studios made use of it. However, it was this title that was present on virtually every Wii owner’s shelf. Boxing, bowling, gold, tennis, and baseball were the most popular disciplines people picked, but there were dozens of others to choose from too.
4. Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PES 6)
Developed by KONAMI in 2006 and released for PS2, Xbox 360, and PC, this football (soccer) simulation was the pinnacle of the arcade-style game. Despite not having the licenses because FIFA had its own franchise of games, it was a better game than many FIFA titles before and after it in terms of pure football fun. Realism never lacked and adrenalin and fun were never sacrificed because of it. PES, or eFootball as it is now called, has lost its way in recent years as FIFA has ruled for the past 5 or so years. But between 2006 and 2013, PES was the king of football games.
5. NBA 2K16
What NHL 2002, Madden 2005, and PES 6 were for their respective sports, the 2016 iteration of 2K’s basketball arcade simulation was for balling. In total, across all sporting subgenres and games, this NBA 2K title is the most impressive. It is everything the fans hoped for and more, as it improved on the bad elements that the formula started bringing in. As the pinnacle of the series and before VC and microtransactions came in to ruin the fun, this was pure basketball genius on screen. Polished mechanics, balanced player builds and positions, and amazing graphics were never present in such a well-rounded title ever again. While subsequent games expanded to online play and many other features, the core basketball game fundamentals were never as good. And everyone knows how crucial fundamentals are for this sport. If 2K11, 2K12, and 2K13 were the first few titles that brought upon the renaissance of this sport in games, and if the last few like 2K21, 2K19, and 2K18 started falling off, the middle ground that is 2K16 (and somewhat 2K15 and 2K17) were the true golden times.