Babolat Pure Aero Vs Pure Drive: Which is Best for Me?
There are a number of tennis racquet brands in the market. Sometimes it is difficult for players to choose the best brand for them. This is one of the biggest problems faced by beginners. One of the best brands for tennis racquet is Babolat. However, another confusing thing is that there are various categories in Babolat. The two most popular Babolat racquets are Pure Aero and Pure Drive. Here is the comparison between them so that you can choose the best racquet for yourself.
Babolat Pure Aero

It is one of the most popular racquets among the tennis fraternity. Famous Spanish player Rafael Nadal endorses Babolat Pure Aero. It is best for intermediate and advanced players. For beginners, Pure Aero Lite and Pure Aero team can be a better option as it would be easy for them to handle it. One thing is for sure, all of the Pure Aero racquets come with an aerodynamic beam and are ideal for players looking to add vicious spin and power to their game.
Babolat Pure Drive

Pure Drive racquets are known for power, spin and speed. These are very popular among modern players. These cool, blue racquets are all user-friendly, but there is a wide range of weights giving players of every ability level a powerful option. For beginners, Pure Drive Team and Pure Drive Lite are the best option as they are light in weight and easier to swing. Babolat Pure Drive would be a perfect choice for intermediate and advanced levels players. Players who crave a bit more control with their power will want to take a closer look at the newest addition to this family, the Pure Drive VS.
Babolat Pure Aero vs Pure Drive: Which One is Better?
Choosing the best racquet is a subjective thing. Everyone has their own preference, therefore the best way to choose a racquet is taking a demo. Some people like heavy racquet while others like lighter ones. Thus, before choose a racquet make sure what are your needs.